December 27, 2021

How to Protect Children from Sun Damage?

Childhood sunburn is one of the most common causes of malignant melanoma (a serious form of skin cancer). Childhood sunburn is also a cause that is completely preventable! In this article, Dr. Jaspreet will discuss how we can protect our children from Sun Damage.

Kids are vulnerable to skin damage more than adults because they have an immune system that is still developing and skin that is thinner than adults. Studies have shown that 80% of your lifetime’s UV exposure actually occurs in childhood! And we all know how deadly exposure to UV can be!

How Can We Protect Our Children from Sun Damage?

The number one tip would be to always be on the lookout for signs of sun damage. If your child’s skin is reddening or has just begun to look pink then it means you should get them out of the sun! Tanning is another sign of sun damage that you should be aware of.

Coming to how you can protect them while not ruining their activities, this is something that can easily be done with proper sun protection!

Especially in the summers since the Sun is the brightest in this season, although this doesn’t mean that sun protection should be ignored in the winters at all! Dr. Jaspreet has discussed that aspect in-depth in one of our previous articles, Sunscreen & The Winters.

Also, even in Summers, if you think that a cloudy day is enough reason for your child to not wear sunscreen then think again! A cloudy sky can only provide about 20-25% protection from harmful UV rays when your child needs complete protection!

Apart from Sun protection tips that have been listed above, you can always minimize sun damage with proper clothing. If you have a small child and the plan is to go out to the beach, then avoid cute bikinis or swimming trunks!

They are great for a few selfies, but you’d do them good by giving them broad-brimmed hats or sun capes on the back. Also, cover the exposed body parts with high SPF broad-spectrum sunblock.

When the child is going for a swim then be sure to apply sun protection at least 30 minutes before exposure and re-apply when needed. Also do not forget to apply proper protection on areas like the neck, ear, nose, lips, feet, and hands as these areas are often missed very easily.

Lastly apart from the clothing and sun protection, also do not forget eye protection. Studies have shown that childhood exposure to UV can cause cataracts in late-life so always find a cool pair of shades for your child!

In case you need to consult someone for any skin related issue that you or your child might be experiencing then you may consult Dr. Jaspreet by calling us on +91-8826141232



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