September 13, 2021

Dermatoheliosis & Why You Should Wear a Sunscreen Daily

What Is Dermatoheliosis?

Here is a shocking fact, approximately, over 90% of skin aging in healthy adults is directly sun-related! Sun beaten skin can be characterized by sunspots, skin sagging, wrinkles, etc. The term for this is Dermatoheliosis.

What Causes Dermatoheliosis?

The primary cause is UV radiation or Ultraviolet radiation. UV rays consist of UVA, UVB & UVC which are the subcategories of UC based on wavelengths of light in the electromagnetic spectrum, the longer the wavelength, the deeper can the UV ray penetrate the skin.

UVA & What It Does

UVC & UVB get filtered out by the ozone and approximately 95% of all UV rays that hit our skin is only composed of UVA! UVA is also the number 1 reason for the loss of collagen and elastin leading to overall saggy skin & even wrinkles.

At What Age Does Dermatoheliosis Occur?

The majority of Dermatoheliosis occurs in our teens and 20’s, that’s also the age where people are most worried about their skin and how it looks! This age bracket is also when you should be actively trying your best to stay protected from UVA to avoid skin-related issues in your 30s, 40s, and later.

How To Stay Protected From UVA?

Nothing can ever truly reverse the signs of aging, so in this scenario, protection is MUCH better than cure, and the protection you need from UVA is very simple to achieve with the help of a sunscreen that suits your skin type.

What Are the Types of Sunscreens?

They usually come in 2 types and those are chemical & physical blockers.

Chemical sunscreens absorb the UV light with the help of ingredients like homosalate, oxybenzone, avobenzone & octinoxate. These ingredients work by breaking down after being in contact with US light, which is also why you should always re-apply!

The other type, physical blocker sunscreens are made up of zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. They work by acting like a mirror and physically reflecting light off your skin without breaking themselves, which is why the need for re-application is less when compared with the chemical-based counterpart. The downside is that they come in the form of a white paste that’s difficult to evenly spread.

How is The Efficacy of a Sunscreen Measured?

The ratio of sunscreen-protected skin over unprotected skin gives you an idea of the overall efficacy. This is measured by SPF, for example, a sunscreen with SPF 15 means that if it takes 10minutes for your unprotected skin to start turning red under the sun then SPF 15 would prevent reddening 15 times longer. Also, while SPF 15 would block 94% of UVB, SPF 30 would block 97% which is why we usually recommend using a sunscreen of at least SPF 30.

How Much Sunscreen to Apply?

Usually, at least an ounce (shot glass) amount is needed to cover the entire body! While 1 teaspoon is generally enough for the head/neck area. In case you are active or performing activities like swimming then a re-application every 2hrs is a must!

In case you would like to know more on this topic, you may book a consultation with Dr. Jaspreet by calling us at +91-8826141232.


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